Issue 2: It takes a monster to get a monster
3 hours after the last issue
Location: SHIELD’s Chinook en route to a SHIELD ground base on the out skirts of Miami.
“So who is who? May I know?” asked Lt Curtin, blurred while looking at the so called commando/death squad, Midnight Sons. “Are you guys like the Avengers?” he asked again.
“Sort of, but we do the dirty work and the ones involves supernatural forces” answered Hellstrom. “Let’s keep this to a need to know basis only. The young lady over there is Jennifer Kale, team specialist in magic spells and witchery. I’m Daimon Hellstrom, Son of Satan, team exorcist, former Jesuit priest and I can wield black magic.”
In fear, one of the SHIELD operatives then said slowly while gripping his rifle tight, “Son of Satan?” His seems to be close to his trigger but then lifts it off, showing good gun trigger discipline.
“No need to fear mortal and put your rifle down. I may be the Son of Satan but I’m here to slaughter my father and I’m on your side. The man next to me is, Dr. Morbius; The Living Vampire, team tactician, weapons specialist and biochemist. He has a PhD in Neuroscience, Chemical Biology and Crypto zoology.” explained Hellstrom.
“Funny, normally I do the talking.” said the doctor.
“Shut up.” answered Hellstrom. “Yeah, what ever hot stuff” Kale said jokingly.
“Miss Kale, funny how people may interpret that pet name you gave me wrongly.” Hellstrom replied.
“Geez, I’m so left behind in the superhuman community. Are you the only people in your squad?” asked Lt. Curtin
“There is one more man. Not actually a man. Pilot, divert course to the coordinate here.” said Morbius while passing him over a GPS.
“With all due respect sir, this is hostile territory, sir! We are only allowed to only go to DMZs (Demilitarized Zones), US Armed Forces bases and SHIELD bases sir!” answered the pilot in fear.
“Those are your orders, pilot. I’m an Agent of SHIELD, an officer of SHIELD. You are just an enlisted man. Follow the chain of command airman.” replied back Morbius.
“This is Falcon 1 to Command Centre over.”
“This is Command Centre copy.”
“Falcon 1 is extending ETA to 2 hours. The package will be en route to LZ within ETA over.”
“Copy that Falcon 1. Permission granted.”
“Copy that.”
10 minutes later:
Location: Ruins of former Miami, destroyed by the attack of the swarms of demons.
The air was misty but the stench was intense. Corpses were lying on the ground being eaten by creatures men have never seen. Intestines were pulled out of humans, eaten slowly by these creatures. The streets were filled with blood and from the sky piles of corpses could be seen and ogres were standing next to it, mutilating the humans and consuming their flesh. Some of them are still alive. Screaming, asking for help and some were saying the Lord’s Prayer. The ones alive were covered by other corpses, with stench so horrible they start to vomit. Never have they seen such atrocities. But not the Midnight Sons. It was their duty to clear mess like these.
All of sudden a huge hairy figure came out of nowhere and started charging towards the ogres. It rammed into one of them and grabbed this tall green ogre and snapped him into half. Then he looked to the sky and howled. It was the loudest howl that the ogres ever heard. With their axes they started charging towards the werewolf. However, the creature does not get intimidated.

“Dare you disrupt my meal time? For Mephisto! For Dormammu!” screamed one of the green coloured ogres with his bloody axe, gripped hard with both of his hand. His muscles start to show as he gripped on them tightly. He leaps towards the werewolf.
Then suddenly the werewolf plunges his hand with extremely sharp claws into his chest and goes through the other side. On the other side it could be seen easily even from the chopper, the hand was holding the ogre’s heart. The fur of the werewolf was blood soaked. He then wriggles free his arm from the ogre and slashes the other ogres around him with the rage equivalent of a thousand soldiers. He grabbed another ogre and pulled his head off. Blood dripped onto the ground and easily he crushed the skull of the ogre with his bare hands. The headless body was then thrown to the wave of ogres charging, making them falling back for a second.
“That’s our boy.” said Morbius.
“What in the Lord’s name you mean that werewolf is one of the commandos?” said Lt. Curtin.
“Get Team Alpha ready. Stay away from the werewolf. Your 5.56 lead bullets your M4 are carrying can’t penetrate this baby’s skin. You gonna need silver bullets and since you don’t have any. Just get rid of the swarm of ogres.” ordered Morbius. He then ordered the pilot, to get a clear LZ in order to get the men on the ground.

A photo manip I did to make things interesting. Just imagine they had M4s ok?
“Sgt. Collins. You’re the team sniper right?”
“Sir, yes sir!” he answered enthusiastically with his British accent.
Morbius then took out a few bullets from his bag. The bullets seem to contain a green colour liquid. The bullets were 7.62 calibre bullets but it looked transparent at its tip. The green liquid could be seen brightly in the dark. It was somehow glowing in the dark.
“That’s an L96A1 Sniper Rifle right? It was used by the British Army and now currently by SHIELD.”
“Yes sir, but why?”
“Use these bullets and aim for the werewolf’s body. Hellstrom, Kale and I will recover the body after you shoot it. Don’t aim for the head. You won’t want our friend here to have a 10 day coma wouldn’t you?”
“LZ is hot! LZ is hot! Sir, requesting permission not to land but to have the men to rappel down sir!”
“Permission granted. Get to an open zone for the men to rappel. I can just jump down. I’m a vampire for goodness sake. Lt. Curtin, get your men to cover me. I want you people to take care of the ogre wave, ASAP. Hellstrom and Kale, you both will be with me and Kale get Man-Thing to clear the ground below so the men can rappel.”
“Sir, yes sir!” they shouted in unison.
“Man-Thing?” asked Sgt. Collins. “What the bloody hell is that?”
“Let’s say the Swamp Thing from the movies exist in the form of the main thing.” answered Kale while throwing a smoke grenade to the ground. “That isn’t a normal smoke grenade, baby!” screamed out Kale. All of a sudden a green smoke starts accumulating and starts to form a creature. A creature of swamps that cannot be destroyed as long it is on Earth. A group of ogres quickly assaulted the creature but Man-Thing easily just hits them with their hand and cleared ground.

A rope is then thrown down and Team Alpha rappels down with Lt. Curtis leading the way. He slings his M60 like Rambo and slides away into the smoke. With skills he learnt from the NAVY SEALs he starts clearing ground and gives orders. His squad with the strength of 10 followed him closely from behind. Sgt. Collins grips hard onto rifle trying to get a clear shot.
“Contact front!” screamed Corporal Ramón as soon as the ogre starts attacking from the front. “File by file!” screamed the Lieutenant as he gave out his orders. The team then formed a line instead of attacking them by the wave. Sound of gunfire starts to fill the streets. The whole scene reminded Lt. Curtin of his time during the Gulf War. Back then it was him against the Iraqi army. Now, it’s him with some supernatural freaks against an army from hell. This is what he saw in the SHIELD brochure. This is what made him left the Navy and work for SHIELD.
“This is Morbius to Collins over.”
“This is Collins copy”
“More boogies are heading this way. Do you have a clear shot, over?
“Copy that, negative sir. Please clear boogies in order to have a clear shot, over.”
“Copy that Collins.”
“Hellstrom, create a ring of fire surrounding Jack!” screamed Morbius. Jack Russels was the name of the werewolf. “Do not allow the creatures to go closer to Jack.” Hellstrom charged and with his dark magic created a ring of hell fire, putting the ogres in fear. “Kale, the ogres are in fear, get him to use the burning touch!”
Jennifer Kale, the only person being wanting able to control the Man-Thing, orders it to grab the fearful ogres. “Please spare me. Please have mercy!” said one of the ogres. “God has mercy. I don’t” said Kale whiles the ogre burns in pain and turned into ashes. Lt Curtin was standing there shocked but all in his mind was too put lead into the bodies of the ogres.
From the chopper, Sgt. Collins aims at the body of the werewolf. He puts his finger on his trigger. “Our father in Heaven, hallowed is thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on Earth as in Heaven…” prayed Sgt Collins who was a devout Christian, he pulled the trigger and felt the recoil on his shoulder, “…give us today, our daily bread, forgive us for our trespasses as we for give those who trespass against us.” He sweated profusely, looking into his scope. The werewolf went into frenzy and started shaking and rattling.
“Sgt. Collins do you read? Open fire onto him again! He’s unstable” asked Morbius who was busy attacking the ogres on the ground.
“Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” prayed Sgt. Collins again. He pulled the trigger again and the bullet hit straight on the werewolf’s chest.
“Sgt. Collins, do you read?”
“This is Sgt. Collins, the packaged is wrapped. Target is down. Mission accomplished. I repeat; the packaged is wrapped. Target is down. Mission accomplished.”
“Hellstrom, stop the ring of fire now. Create a wave of fire to toast the remaining ogres.” ordered Morbius. “Agent Morbius, I sense innocent lives in this pile of corpses. Requesting permission to bring them back and to get help from Team Alpha under the command of Lt. Curtin” asked Kale. “Permission granted.”

Lt Curtin then ran from corpses of the ogres he slaughtered to the pile of human corpses. “I believe this is their food stock. I’m going to take pictures and send them to director Danvers.” said the man. Kale then ordered the men to search civilians who were still alive among the corpses. It was not long before they found a few. Some of them have been mutilated. They’ve been living like that for days. With corpses and brains pilled over them. All they’ve smelled all day were the stench of carcasses and blood. It was hell to them. According to the survivors, a lot of them committed suicide.
“Let’s not waste time and let’s head to base. Be grateful none of the men were hurt. Get the werewolf into the chopper. I have a lot to say.” Agent Morbius told his men. To him, the mission was nothing compared to what he has seen before. It was just a taste of the Demon Wars that is happening.
“Falcon 1, this is Agent Morbius, please head to LZ. We are heading back to base.”
“This is Falcon 1; we are heading to your location. Is the LZ at your location?”
“Heading to LZ, ETA 2 minutes.”