Friday, May 8, 2009

Captain Fantastic, yeah right....

GLASTONBURY, England, Nov. 3 (UPI) -- A British 19-year-old has officially changed his name to "Captain Fantastic Faster Than Superman Spiderman Batman Wolverine Hulk And The Flash Combined."

The Glastonbury, England, teenager -- originally named George Garratt -- said his new name, which is thought to be the world's longest, has so outraged his grandmother that she is no longer speaking to him, The Telegraph reported Monday.

The teen said he used an online service to officially change his name for a $20 fee.

"I wanted to be unique," Captain Fantastic said of his name choice. "I decided upon a theme of superheroes."

Yay! I found someone dumber than me! I can't believe this guy actually changed his name to that. If I were him I would change my name to Wade Wilson or Lou Ferrigno (for all of you who don't know who he is, he's the guy who acted as Hulk in the TV series. Fuck Eric Bana). First of all, the name isn't all out unique. It was taken from a Family Guy joke. Seriously, that is lamer than calling your son South Park or Silent Bob. Wait, Silent Bob's awesome. Should I name my son Silent Bob? Jesus!


  1. Yeah, I'm going to change my name to Wade Wilson. It's true!!

  2. I love Eric Bana and i love the Movie the Hulk. 1&2. And i remember that Lou Ferregno my late father used to watch his movie when i was 3 years old, i think that's why i love the movie Hulk.

    Btw, thank you for visiting my blog..though im sorry my pic reminded me of your ex.

    God Bless and Good Day!
