I used to study Quantity Surveying but to be honest, I'm not good in it and I lost a huge chunk of interest in it. Now I finished my diploma in it there are some things in the construction industry I will miss but it mostly does not have anything to do with Quantity Surveying. I will miss the goddamn huge cool machines, I will miss the beautiful architecture of majestic buildings but let's be realistic, you don't see shit like that often, even on the job. Mostly you will see a boring piece of machinery, a mundane set of drawings that some architect tried to finish over the weekend, being uninspired. Those beautiful and majestic stuff you see, probably only appeared in Extreme Engineering on the Discovery Channel, cool feats where it more looks like the Quick Build mode in Tropico. Cool stuff like the video below:
Even if I get to work with cool stuff like in QS, at the end of the day, my job is to do the BQ, tender evaluation etc and I'm not interested in those stuff. Leave if to the good and amazing guys out there who understand those objects and has a heart for it. I don't feel that love connection to the construction industry before. Sure, I respect QS out there but I just don't feel me being attached to it like them. Now if I still get QS as my degree after applying after this, I will continue to accept it but I will try to find a way to fall in love with the industry. I used to be in love with the industry when I first started out. Now it just fades away. Most probably the system will shove me back to a Degree in QS.
Who am I to judge? Maybe the universe has plans for me. I hope I can get a degree and make a good living, related to the stuff I love nowadays, like debate, writing etc. Even my friend Paul asked me "Terence, why did you apply for courses that's too far from your original course?" Maybe I'm just being melodramatic, nostalgic today cause I'm in campus library today despite not being a student here. Hanging with my debate friends, having a good time despite them being of different semesters and courses. (Sometimes I feel like quoting something from the sitcom Community because of us constantly gathering in the library, same spot.) I'm back in debate training when I'm supposed to graduate or at least be unproductive at home cause I'm technically "waiting for my results." My passion has moved from construction industry, to debate (and still military stuff, so no worries readers, I will still post military stuff.) Maybe I'm just an immature blockhead who can't make up his mind on what to do as a career. Me, changing lanes will cost me another 4 years of studying. Disturbing, 4 (or 3 years) years spent and yet with a wobbly future.
How's the picture related? It's a drunk "Ghost" from MW2, in a bathtub, while wearing Batman boxers. Kinda like me contemplating. Photo from BeatdownBoogie.com
Let's just see how the universe goes, let's just see. Oh ya, I got Band 5 in MUET today. At least there's something to smile about while contemplating the universes's wave.