Friday, July 10, 2009


It's only the first week andI have a lot of assignments.

1)Term paper for BELL 311 (I chose to write on Creationism VS Evolution)
2)A Construction Economics paper and presentation concerning the impacts of Willayah Pembangunan Iskandar (WPI) towards

a)QS Consultants & Graduates
c)GDP of Cons. Industry
d)Price of Materials, Labour and Equipment
e)Price of Land and Property
f)Others (Society, tourism, travel, hospitality, economy)

3)A redesign of 2 empty compunds in one of blocks in my campus to be something useful. I have to go and search for plans for the area in the facilities department. I am suppose to write a proposal and a scale model for this. Might be interesting. So far I had to write an official letter to the Chief Engineer in that department for the building plans. Looks like I have to apply my draughtmanship skills again.

4)For Materials class under Construction Technology, I suppose to write a 20 page report on the "Factors of the Deterioration of Metal" and present it in class. The time given for the presentation would be 30 minutes but in my opinion it would be too short. Most of the presentations I've done so far are around to 50-60 minutes. I need to find videos causing the deterioration of metal.

Anyone out there who think they can help me with this just leave a comment, I'll contact you.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Terence..this is an awesome blog ! I admire the way its been constructed and the vast knowledge.I am blessed....


    p/s sorry i cant help u with your assignments..way too sophisticated for me...hehe
