Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Japanese Spiderman

lol. No kidding ladies and gentleman. Apparently duirng the 70s, the Japanese also tried to cash in with the spidermania. The weird this with their version of spiderman is that changes are fucking drastic. Seriously. I have never seen a Marvel character in this light before. It feels like Masked Rider with Spiderman's powers. He even has his own robot and has giant fighting scenes like you see in Ultraman. That whole thing just made me wtf?

What the hell were the Japanese thinking? This isn't Spiderman! They should create their own character and call it Spider Kamen. lol. That will sound weirder. Haha. Okay join the adventures of Takuya Yashimaro (Yeah, where's Peter Parker) as he defeats the Iron Cross Army (Where's Kingpin? Where's the Green/Hob Goblin? Where's The Punisher? Where's Dr Doom?)

Anyway it's kind of cheesy and fun to watch. Stream the whole series below. (Unless you want are butt hurt like other Spidey fans about this.) WARNING: This is not the same webhead that were used to. But it works.

One of the Episodes. Watch the rest @ http://www.marvel.com/videos Worth watching. lol


  1. i wonder why Marvel Comics didn't make Peter Parker his giant robot in the American version. With that, he will sure to win all the battles against the villains without much of effort at all.

  2. Because giant robots aren't an American thing? lol. This series is more like Masked Rider than Spiderman. Haha
